AME Foundation

Promoting sustainable agriculture among small farmers in rainfed areas

Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture - LEISA

Promoting safe food production

Agro Biodiversity

Building farm resilience

Farmer Field School

Empowering farmers

System of Crop Intensification

Producing more with less resources

Engaging Rural Youth

Building confidence in pursuing farming

Promoting Knowledge Exchange

Sharing agroecological experiences

AME Foundation

Strengthening sustainable small farmer livelihoods 

80 G Certified | FCRA Certified | IICA Accredited

AME Foundation has been strengthening sustainable small farmer livelihoods by promoting ecological agriculture for more than three decades. AME Foundation has been guiding small and marginal rainfed farmers to manage their natural farm resources better, practice alternative eco-farming practices for enhanced yields and reduced costs. AMEF believes that sustainable management of natural resources is the key to improved livelihoods, stable agricultural development as well as improved ecological balances.

Focus Areas


Promoting Agro ecology

Agroecological systems are diverse, more resilient to the impacts of climate change and is a viable alternative, that can contribute substantially to food and nutrition security, soil fertility, access to water, rural employment, and farmer autonomy. AMEF has been promoting agro ecology in drylands since three decades through LEISA approaches.

Facilitating Knowledge Exchange

 An enormous body of practices and experiences on agroecology, generated and developed on the field need to be shared widely to inspire farmers make the transition to agroecological way of farming. AMEF facilitates knowledge exchange by helping organisations systematically document and share experiences widely through various means.

Core Programs


Sustainable agriculture

Promoting sustainable agriculture in rainfed regions through Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) approaches.

Farmer Education

Empowering farmers through participatory learning methods like Farmer Field Schools (FFS) and Participatory Technology Development (PTD)


Sharing knowledge on agro ecological experiences through LEISA India magazine since 25 years

Systematic Documentation

Helping development organisations in capturing and communicating field based experiences.



Sustainable agriculture promotion


Farmers Reached


Farmers Trained





Knowledge Sharing (LEISA India)


Language editions




Agroecological experiences shared



Stories of change

Farmers benefit from market management – a case of Collective Action

Vast stretches of maize is a common sight in the drylands of Perambalur district of Tamil Nadu. In a region that was traditionally growing cotton and groundnut, various factors have combined to lead farmers to maize cultivation. Cotton cultivation has become less...

Changing farming practices- PTD shows the way

The livelihoods in Manbarai village in Trichy district are predominantly dependant on dryland agriculture. The village, on an average, receives an annual rainfall of 600 mm. The dry land crops in the region are groundnut and fodder sorghum. Crops like lab lab, cowpea...

Alternative farming practices for remunerative dryland cotton

Cotton is the major cash crop in Gadhar, a village in Raichur Taluk, having 450 households. Most of the farmers in the village depend on drylands for their livelihood, while a few have irrigation from open wells. Mono cropping has been in practice not only in this...

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News and Events

Field Day at Channapur village in Dharwad

Around 160 men and women farmers gathered on 8th December 2023 in Channapur in Dharwad during the field day. They shared their knowledge and experience on sustainable agriculture...

Partners in Development